Femme Fitness Fever

What's a nice femme like me doing in a place like this? Sharing the joys, agonies and sheer craziness of getting in shape after 40 ...

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

How to Calculate a Kick Ass Weight Loss Plan

Since I’m yelling about getting off the low calorie bandwagon, I should at least show you a better method, right? :)

The best way to lose weight safely and sanely is to first find your Total Daily Energy Expenditure (TDEE). Your TDEE is the number of calories your body uses in a 24-hour period and includes both the calories you burn at rest and when you are physically exerting yourself. Some people also call it your “maintenance level” – the amount of calories you need to consume each day just to maintain your current weight.

Here is a great site for determining your TDEE (scroll down until you see “Harris-Benedict Calculation” and use that – it’s more precise). Once you have determined that, you can move on and find out what your daily calorie intake should be for safe weight loss.

The absolute best rule of thumb is to never (NEVER, EVER, EVER) cut your calories by more than 20%-30% of your total TDEE unless you are going to have a cheat day once a week (remember those?). I personally cut my TDEE by 35% - my TDEE is 2,893 calories, so I shoot for between 1,850 and 1,900 calories six days per week. Sunday is my “cheat” day, when I allow myself to eat whatever I want, up to my TDEE of 2,900 calories. Doesn’t that undo all my hard work throughout the week? Absolutely not. It takes a 3,500 calorie deficit to lose a pound, so I am creating a calorie deficit of about 6,100 calories a week by eating 35% fewer calories than it takes me to maintain my current weight six days a week. On the 7th day, I am only eating up to my maintenance level, so I’m not creating a calorie surplus. Net-net, I am losing about 1.75 lbs. per week of pure fat.

Why does that work and why am I not losing Lean Body Mass? Because my body doesn’t think it’s starving and has no reason to turn on itself and eat vital tissues. Your body will always burn stored fat first if it’s not panicking and thinking there isn't enough food. Sure, it’s getting less food six days a week, but not so much less that it has to kick into starvation mode. Besides, that 7th day of eating whatever I want up to my maintenance level makes my body think, “Oh well, gee, I can’t be starving. That was pizza!!!” So, it’s content to keep on burning fat for fuel and I’m thrilled knowing the numbers on the scale (and the reading on my caliper to measure body fat %) are reflecting how much pure fat I’ve lost, not how much weight (including my precious muscle and body organs) I’ve lost.

You know, I’m supposed to be writing strategy today, but I am totally blowing it off. This is lots more fun :)


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