Femme Fitness Fever

What's a nice femme like me doing in a place like this? Sharing the joys, agonies and sheer craziness of getting in shape after 40 ...

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Has It Really Been Almost A Year?

Wow. Just wow.

Well, talk about neglect. I can't believe I haven't been here in 10 months. What a 10 months it has been, too. There is no way I'm going to catch up in one post, if that's even possible.

Reader's Digest Condensed Version: I continued on my fitness quest and, as of December 2006, had lost a total of 62 lbs. Then, two weeks before Christmas, the unthinkable happened. I severely sprained my left quad and ... wasn't able to work out again until the middle of May 2007. It was a very bad sprain and the quad is one of the hardest to heal anyhow because of our dependence on it. Average healing time is 14 weeks - mine took almost 24.

During that 5-1/2 months, I gained back 33 lbs. of what I had lost. My eating habits went to hell and I missed a lot of time off school. Since mid-May, I'm thankful to say I am back at school, back on the bandwagon, and have lost almost half of what I gained in that time. So, my total pounds lost are about 45 - just about where I was when I last posted on this blog.

School is still fabulous and I'm still loving the field of cosmetology. I'm a senior now, which means I can do everything from cut to color ... my focus now is getting the total hours and services required to sit for my state boards. Florida requires 1,200 hours of study and I think I'm somewhere around the 900 hour mark. It's been fun, but very challenging, although I seem to have quite the knack for this hair thing. I already have a list of clients who want to go with me to my salon when I graduate ... and yes, I already have a job waiting for me :)

I go to school three days a week - Monday, Wednesday, and Friday - and I'm off on Tuesdays and Thursdays because of child care schedules. Strutt went to work for The Home Depot as a Certified Nursery Consultant in January, and we arrange our schedules so someone is always home with Katie (who is now 2-1/2 years old, btw!!!). Our good and dear friend, Tish, watches her on Mondays so I can get some extra hours in ... what sucks is that Strutt and I don't have a day off together, just most evenings, but that's okay. We know it will all pay off in the long run, especially when I'm a world-famous stylist, LOL.

I really need to catch back up with the blog. I've learned some new interesting things about health and fitness that I want to record here, plus re-reading it after so long a hiatus shows me how my journey has progressed. Great stuff for me. So, I won't be able to post every day, but I can at least make a weekly or bi-weekly visit on my days off. Time for the rubber to hit the road again.

True, dat ;)


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