Femme Fitness Fever

What's a nice femme like me doing in a place like this? Sharing the joys, agonies and sheer craziness of getting in shape after 40 ...

Sunday, July 16, 2006

Structure for a Healthy Lifestyle

Hope everyone has had a great week.

I don't have much to talk about today ... except since I slacked for a while, my doctor visit last Monday was not a completely positive one. My weight crept up a couple of pounds and so did my blood pressure. Well, I made a vow to get back on track and I have ... as of yesterday, I had those pounds knocked off and I am back into the swing of things. I go back to see him in a month and I am determined to have some good news to report after I do.

I have noticed something interesting about myself, however ... as long as I was working and now, since I'm in school, it's easy for me to stick to a regime. When I was home, without as much structure, it was a lot harder to keep it together and I fell off the bandwagon. I'm going to have to ponder this more ... maybe it's a partial answer to the question of, "how do we make living a healthy lifestyle easier?" If we make sure we have some structure and a steady routine in our lives, will it be easier to develop those healthy habits? Food for thought.

Incidentally, I've just decided to introduce another lifting series into the mix I already do. There are three workouts for a three-day split routine: Legs and Shoulders, Chest and Back, and Triceps and Biceps. What's different about these is that they use VERY heavy weights with all movements performed in a very slow and concentrated manner to eliminate momentum and allow for maximum muscle fiber recruitment. I've already been warned these are very intense, not for a beginner, require complete mental focus, plus some of the sets are very, very tough and really hurt. Each exercise is performed for 3-4 sets, 8 reps in a slow 8-count format with a one-minute rest in between. It's also not recommended you do the series more than three or four weeks at a time. I've ordered it and it's on its way, so I'll let you know how it goes when it gets here.

If I haven't died, that is :)


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