Femme Fitness Fever

What's a nice femme like me doing in a place like this? Sharing the joys, agonies and sheer craziness of getting in shape after 40 ...

Monday, February 20, 2006

And, We're Off ...

Well, today is the start of the Great South Beach experiment. I went to the grocery store yesterday morning and stocked up on all kinds of SB-friendly stuff. Spent a couple of hours yesterday afternoon making hummus and pistachio-chicken salad and things like that to take to work this week for lunch. I woke up this morning expecting to feel a little anxious, but I actually felt kind of indifferent to the whole idea of food. Of course, that could also be because of the totally nasty fish and chips I let myself have as a final cheat meal yesterday (since I won’t be allowed to have a cheat day again any time soon). Blech.

That feeling of indifference changed once I recorded my planned food for the day into Fit Day this morning, however. Now, I’m anxious. When all was said and done, my total caloric intake would have been about 1,550 calories – wayyyyyyy too low for healthy weight loss, in my opinion. Also, I understand Phase 1 of South Beach is severely carb-restricted and the carb/protein/fat ratio in this phase is about 85% protein/fat and 15% carbs. But 52% fat? Are you fucking kidding me??? And – here’s the kicker – I’m using all low-fat and fat-free products with the exception of 2 tablespoons of mayonnaise and 1 teaspoon of olive oil! Granted, the saturated fat level is at about 8%, which is good, but still. It’s not like I have a huge variety of different foods to choose from to make this a little more reasonable either. Needless to say, I have tweaked and added and rearranged my food plan until I got my total calories up to 1,760 and the fat percentage down to 45%. That’s still outrageous – the protein is at 44%, the carbs are at 11%, and I’m still about 90 – 140 calories short of my minimum daily calorie intake. I’m going to have to keep playing with it today.

At this point, I have a feeling I’m going to do my two weeks of Phase 1 and switch back to more Mediterranean diet-style eating. I know you aren’t supposed to count your calories or anything like that on South Beach – “just eat when you’re hungry” – but geez, Louise, what if I hadn’t? I’d be eating far too little and probably putting my LBM at risk. I guess we’ll just play it by ear and take this one day at a time, but you can bet your hardening arteries I’m going to be monitoring my food intake like a hawk.

The household is still recovering from their colds, but we are all in much better shape. The monkey hellion – otherwise known as my daughter – has now learned to climb things. Specifically, things like end tables and dining room chairs and bookcases, where she’ll perch from on high and grin down at us, oblivious to the shrieks of panic from Mommy. The first time I saw her standing on the end table, reaching for the blazingly hot light bulb screwed into the lamp, I gave a deafening yell that would have stopped most men and butches dead in their tracks. As it was, my daughter turned around and gave me this “WTF?” look before glancing over at Strutt like I was some kind of madwoman. She promptly threw a temper tantrum when Strutt lifted her down and told her ‘no,’ then proceeded to put us through the same exact routine about 42,597 times before bath time. And martial arts classes for kids don’t start until age 3? I am SO screwed.


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