Femme Fitness Fever

What's a nice femme like me doing in a place like this? Sharing the joys, agonies and sheer craziness of getting in shape after 40 ...

Monday, February 13, 2006

My Daughter, the Future Miss Fitness America :)

We bought our daughter her first set of weights on Saturday :)

Okay, so she's only 14 months old. But lately the child has been seizing my 5 lb. weights on a regular basis when I'm working out and stubbornly trying to swing them over her head, giving me a stroke in the process. She has also been imitating her parents by doing bicep curls and lateral raises with her toys. I'm telling you, she's too much. I keep telling everyone I have no idea where she gets this stubborn streak *blinking innocently*

So, we are at Sports Authority on Saturday, buying a pair of 15 lb. dumbbells for Strutt, plus some other assorted gear, and I spot them. They're tiny, only about 5 inches long. The grip is slim, maybe only an inch around in diameter. They weight 1 lb. apiece, lighter than half of Katie's toys. And they're HOT PINK. I told Strutt we had to buy them. Of course, now s/he thinks I'm a lunatic - or at least a bigger one that s/he originally suspected - but the baby looks so cool :) We took them for a test drive with her last night. All was well until she started chucking them at the cats ... whoops. Guess we'll wait until it's official workout time before we let her have them again - and yes, for the record, she will be as well-supervised with these as she is with the rest of her toys.

Saturday was my "cheat" (or "free") day (I switched my cheat day from Sunday to Saturday since my exercise rest day is Sunday and I don't want to not exercise on the same day I relax my eating habits) - I had smoked pork BBQ with French fries, Hershey's Extra Dark chocolate and Edy's Light Chocolate Chunk ice cream. Oh, the heavenly hosts were singing up a storm :) But, although I pretty much let myself eat anything I want on my cheat day, I do have a couple of rules. One, I won't let my total calories consumed go above my maintenance level. I don't want to freak out and start eating like a hell cow with PMS, because that will only rob the calorie deficit I worked so hard all week to create. And two, I try to keep as much to the 45/30/25 split of carbs/protein/fat as I can - no 60% fat days for me, although I'm not anal about it :) Other than that, I'm good to go and it works just fine. As of Saturday a.m., I am down a total of 33 lbs. ... yippee!!!

Strutt was supposed to make me hir legendary fried chicken for my cheat day, but s/he and the baby came down with colds, unfortunately. Normally, we are an extremely healthy family and never get sick, but it's been a whacky winter cold and flu season down here. I seem to have dodged the bullet so far and I hope it stays that way!


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