Femme Fitness Fever

What's a nice femme like me doing in a place like this? Sharing the joys, agonies and sheer craziness of getting in shape after 40 ...

Friday, February 17, 2006

Yuck, I'm Sick

Well, I seem to have inherited the cold Strutt and Katie have been fighting all week. Blech. It doubly sucks because I never get sick ... I usually have the immune system from hell. It's not bad, just some sniffles and a slight sore throat ... but I still used it as an excuse to call in sick so I could have a three-day weekend :) Do you know if you tighten your throat muscles and breathe through your nose while you're talking, you can make yourself sound a whole lot sicker than you actually are ... LOL.

But, I did a minor freakout last night and indulged in a small chocolate-fest. Four squares of Hershey's Extra Dark chocolate and a bowl of Edy's Light Chocolate Ripple ice cream. I made up for it by doing 40 minutes of weights followed by 45 minutes of high-intensity cardio this morning. I was red-faced and dripping and my legs felt like they were about to give out under me, plus I felt like puking, so I guess my penance was appropriate :)

Honestly, I usually don't subscribe to the "pay for your fun" approach, though. If you have a minor freakout, or a major one for that matter, acknowledge it and move on without "punishing" yourself for it. In an odd way, I did this because I was getting sick: one, because exercise makes me feel better and I'm hoping to head off anything more serious at the pass; and two, my immune system didn't need to be focusing on all those extra carbs in my body in addition to the germies.

And I do feel like I'm in pretty decent shape right now. In most cases, however, I would have just done my regular workout and focused back on eating cleanly. Mistakes happen and you shouldn't go crazy over them ... thinking that you're a failure and giving up totally because you've slipped is the worst thing you can do. You're human and it is completely normal to fall short of perfection once in a while.

It's a beautiful 79 degrees here in west-central Florida today and I think I'm going to take a stroll in the backyard next to the water garden. For medicinal purposes, you know *wink*


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