Femme Fitness Fever

What's a nice femme like me doing in a place like this? Sharing the joys, agonies and sheer craziness of getting in shape after 40 ...

Friday, February 24, 2006

Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle

So, I think I’ve previously mentioned Tom Venuto in my blog. Tom is a personal trainer and lifetime natural bodybuilder who is the author of an e-book called “Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle.” Back when I was first starting this fitness journey and had no clue what I was doing or where I could start learning about proper nutrition and exercise, I found Tom while searching on the Internet. There is so much hype and fraud on the web these days, it’s important to be careful when purchasing products or listening to any advice, so I spent some time checking Tom out. I was satisfied with what I found out about him, so I decided to purchase his book (which is only available online and not in bound form, incidentally). I am here to tell you it was the best $39 I ever spent. It’s over 300 pages of information on how to get lean, ripped, and in the best shape of your life in a healthy, safe, and effective manner. By page 20, I’d already felt like I had gotten my money’s worth.

The only criticism I’ve seen of his e-book are two things: one, if you are already well-schooled in the world of fitness and bodybuilding, the information will probably be nothing new to you; and, two, there is so much information, it’s almost overwhelming – although it is easily and clearly explained in a way anyone can understand, novice or expert. I think anyone who is determined to get into good shape should buy it. I’m personally on my third reading and I have incorporated many of his principles into my fitness plan. I am thankful my previous (and horribly incorrect) understanding about health and “dieting” was banished forever by the information here. One thing, though: if you are expecting hearts and flowers here, or a gentle little trip through fitness nirvana, forget it. Tom gives it to you straight up, without pulling any punches, and has little tolerance for excuses, laziness or apathy. Exactly like a really good personal trainer should do, I guess :)

Again, my disclaimer. I am not affiliated with Tom Venuto in any way – the man doesn’t even know I exist. But I want to pass his name along and encourage you to check out his web site. He has a lot of articles and stuff there that I have finally gotten around to start reading. The man is a fountain of information and freely steers you towards more good resources on the web. If you are serious about your health and your fitness, he is one resource you shouldn’t do without.


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