Femme Fitness Fever

What's a nice femme like me doing in a place like this? Sharing the joys, agonies and sheer craziness of getting in shape after 40 ...

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

I Just Might Survive

Well, today was better. Of course, it was strength training day - lower body for 30 minutes - and I only did 20 minutes of cardio afterwards, but I didn't feel like I was going to keel over and die. I also don't feel as tired this a.m., so maybe this will end up working out for the next two weeks. But tomorrow will be the real test - very intense cardio for 45 minutes - so let's see if I bonk out or if my system has adjusted. As far as diet, I'm glad Phase 1 is only two weeks - I think I would go insane if I had to eat this way forever. By the time my two weeks are up, I'll be ready to trade Strutt in for a bowl of oatmeal :) I peeked at the scale this a.m. - I couldn't help it, even though I had planned to wait until tomorrow and do a mid-week check. It's down, rather dramatically actually, but I need to measure my body fat % to make sure I'm losing the right stuff.

We're going to try a new upper body strength training routine on Friday, something neither of us has done before. It's called "Pyramid Upper Body." Basically, it's five sets per muscle group: the first set is 12 reps with light weights, the second is 10 reps with medium weights, the third is 8 reps with heavy weights, then the fourth set is back down to 10 reps with medium weights, and the fifth set is down again to where you started at 12 reps with light weights. The whole premise is to "pyramid up" from light to heavy weights, then "pyramid" back down to the light weights. I think there are five muscle groups in the workout for about a total 45-minute workout. I can't wait to try it, although if I can't lift my arms on Saturday, you'll know why :)


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